Our Professional Engineers

Who We Are


We are an engineering consultants company established in Hong Kong since Year 2001. We have a group of registered professional engineers (RPE), mechanical engineers with sound experience in construction industry and engineering field.

Your engineering & consulting partner for construction industry and lifting application

Elitt Engineering Consultants Ltd provide a wide range of professional engineering services including :

  • professional consulting services & advise reasonably practicable solution to your engineering problem
  • RPE inspection, thorough examination and testing of lifting appliances and lifting gear LALG, safety improvement and trainings
  • engineering design work and fabrication for special lifting appliance and lifting gears
  • design, consultation and subcontracting work of heavy lift projects
  • accident investigation, evaluation and expert consultation work related to plant and equipment

Besides our engineering consultant services, we are also contractor for installation of machinery, workshop overhead crane and amusement rides.

Please visit our website www.elitteng.com.hk for more details or contact us if you have any inquiries about our services.

Elitt Engineering Consultant Ltd.